The advantage  of reinsurance can be summarized  as given below; (1). SPREADS THE RISKS: Reinsurance  makes the best possible  distributions of risk among the various insurers.  Concentrations  of larger risks on a particular insurer makes it is a very hard to unction smoothly  efficiently  and profitably  Reinsurance  contributes a lot in the this respect by making best distributions of risk among many insurers.:  (2). LIMITS THE LIABILITY : Reinsurance helps is in limiting  the liability of the insurers  to the maximum amount.

 (3). PROTECTS THE INSURANCE FUNDS: It protects the insurance funds to of the original insurer and gives additional security  to the policy holder and a insuring community. (4). INCREASES  INSURER’S  GOODWILL: The financial and risk bearing capacity of the insurer  increases  with the help of the reinsurance and with the existence  of reinsurance facilities  an insurer a\can accept risk beyond his capacities. This enhances  the goodwill  of the insurer.  (5). CURBS COMPETITION AND RIVALRIES: reinsurance reduce inter company business competitions  as no one works independent  but in co-operative manner and the with helping  mind in the area of the insurance business, thus reinsurance helps in curbing  competitions rivalries in the similar  line of the insurance business.  (6). BRINGS STABILITY:  Reinsurance facilities in bringing stability  in the insurance market. These facilities  also bring stability  in the value of the shares os such  companies  on the stock exchange.  (7). REDUCE PROFIT FLUCTUATIONS:  The reinsurance schemes reduce to a considerations  extent the violent  fluctuations in the profits of the companies . If no  the other hand, heavy  risks are retained by the original insurer, in the his profits  are greatly upset due to a heavy  single loss.

 (8). INCREASES INSURANCE BUSINESS:  Reinsurance enables every insurer to accept or underwrite insurance  business as the total risk will be distributed  among the other reinsurers. Thus,  reinsurance helps  increasing the volume of insurance business, In its absence, every  insurer will hesitate to accept huge risks and it would  be very difficult  for an insurer, in case the he accept  risk exceeding hi capacity.  (9). MINIMUM DEALINGS:  Due to the reinsurance schemes  the insured is required  to indulge to  in the minimum dealings  with only one insurer . Without reinsurance facility  , the insurer would have to contact several insurers to enter into various  individual insurance agreement on the same property. This involves considerable cost, loss of the precious  time and slow down the pace of the protection cover.  (10). PREVENTS RATE CUTTING: Finally the reinsurance prevent the rate cutting and acceptance of undesirable risks to a great extent. This is obviously because the actions of the ceding office are always  subject to audit and scrutiny  and through examinations  by the guaranteeing offer  office for its satisfaction. This leads to checks  various unhealthy  and undesirable  practice  and promoters  a healthy spirit of competition among the insurers.

METHODS OF REINSURANCE:  There are two important of effecting reinsurance cover: 1. Facultative  Reinsurance:. 2. Treaty Reinsurance.  1. FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE: It is also known  as specific reinsurance, . Under this method each risk is offered for reinsurance by the ceding  company and may be accepted or declined at will be may  the insurer. The procedure  is to submit brief details if the risk to reach  each reinsurer who will indicate the proportion that he would accept. When the ceding  company issues the policy, closing particulars I.e.  a copy of the policy etc., is sent  to the reinsurer who will then issue the reinsurance policy. The reinsurance are not obliged to accept the risk. That is they have the decide. options of facility to reject or accept  the reinsurance any  amount they decide,. Hence the term facultative reinsurance., In case of the risk is not  fully accepted the ceding  company may again have to the approach another insurer for the balance. For example  a proposal  for Rs. 60 crores come with the ceding company. The retention  of the ceding company is 25 crores and for the balance of Rs. 35 crores  he approaches insurer A who  accepts for only Rs. 20 crores. The ceding  company may again  have to approach insurer B for the balance of the Rs. 15 cores., Any alterations  in the terms and conditions The reinsurance are not obliged to accept the risk. That is they have the decide. options of facility to reject or accept  the reinsurance any  amount they decide,. Hence the term facultative reinsurance., In case of the risk is not  fully accepted the ceding  company may again have to the approach another insurer for the balance. For example  a proposal  for Rs. 60 crores come with the ceding company. The retention  of the ceding company is 25 crores and for the balance of  he approaches insurer A who  accepts for only Rs. 20 crores. The ceding  company may again  have to approach insurer B for the balance of the Rs. 15 cores., Any alterations  in the terms and conditions made by the ceding company  are to be informed to reinsurance or reinsurers  also. This method  is considered  to be the easiest  method of reinsurance at each time the ceding company has to make the  a fresh proposal  to the reinsurer and the insurer accepts the risks after fully examining the individual  risk, . In the event of the loss, the ceding company is compensated  in proportion  to the amount of the risk underwritten by each  reinsurers.

 2. TREATY REINSURANCE:  Under this method a treaty agreement between the ceding company and various reinsurance is made  for a fixed period, usually a year. Accordingly  the ceding  company agrees to provide a certain amount of business to the reinsurers  for reinsurance and the reinsurers agree to the accept  all reinsurance business of the  a definite type within the limits laid down  in the agreement . Whenever the ceding company accepts the risk  of the original insured. , he has to retain a pre-determined proportions  of the total risk so accepted and so has to reinsure the remaining  risk with other reinsurers., He has to pay the  premiums to other re insurers  for accepting  the risk. This method, in fact  provides  an automatics  protections to the ceding  the  company as the   under the treaty the reinsurer has to the  accept . This method in fact provides  an automatic protection to the ceding company as under this policy the treaty the reinsurer has to the accept the risk coming with in the  scope of treaty .
That it is the why this methods  is called it is a  “Treaty  reinsurance or Automatic Reinsurance Methods”   TREATY reinsurance is practically applied in four ways, namely (a). Quota share treaty : (b). Surplus treaty: ( C ) ,. Excess of loss treaty : and the ( D ). Stop loss of excess of the loss ratio treaty.
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