Before  we discuss group lives underwriting  it is essential to know the differences between individual  and group insurance. While  individual insurance is a contract between  an individual and an insurer group insurance. is a  contract covering  a number of lives. While individual  choose the term, plan or sum assured of a policy according to his needs, choices and capacity  to pay in the group mostly uniform cover is granted depending  on so many factors such as a  group size, occupation, group profile, including  the death  strain in the group etc., Here there is a  master policy holder in the form of the an employer associations  trust etc., As we have non medical cover under individual insurance  , we have the free cover limit in the group insurance on the basis of the simple rules of the insurability  I,e,  not absent from duty on grounds of illness on the date of commencement of the scheme and normally no evidence of health is called for up to that limit. This kinds of mass administration  and simple underwriting  practice lead to the low cost  of group insurance. Group underwriting is done on the basis of group profile, age grouping, profession of the group etc.,  A part from the above there is an element in group underwriting namely experience rating  where the premium rates are adjusted periodically on the basis of experiences which we shall discuss later on.  

GROUP LIVES UNDERWRITING:  Normally this is done for a  year and when the scheme is renewed next year the insurer gets a fresh data of additions and deletions and on that basis group underwriting is done.  Since group underwriting is done  on the basis of group profile and in each group there are going to be a few lives of substandard group, the underwriting  may go for a few safeguards  such as the following.  1. The group should be reasonably  homogenous by the nature of occupation or the profession the members.  2.  Insurance must be incidental l  i, e, the group is not to be formed solely for the purpose of insurance. It should be already existing, .  3. Normally the  group should  be a dynamic one--where old members go out and new  members come in periodically  (this helps the group to maintain a proper age profile  instead of being a  stagnant group where are the older  members are being unduly large in number).  A minimum  size of the group is required  to have proper viability.   DIFFERENT TYPES OF GROUPS:  1. employer– employee groups.  2.  creditor --debtor  groups.,  3. professional groups.,  4. miscellaneous– co-operative  societies,  welfare societies,  NGO’s. 

PREMIUM CALCULATION FOR GROUP SCHEMES=The concept of rebate for large sum assured is not applicable. It depends on many factors such as a  types of scheme, amount  of benefits age profiles, and premium rates  applicable as per the professional/ occupation of the group. Premium depends  whether it is only risk coverage or it involves accumulations or funding. Hence  complete data is required  from the mas ter policy holder for calculation of premium.  There should be minimum percentage  for example 75% to join the group insurance  scheme. Otherwise there will be anti selection against  the insurer i, e only the old and sick will join the scheme. All new members should compulsorily  join in order to improve  the age profile of the group. Those people  who did not volunteer to join  the scheme initially  may not be allowed to join a on a later date to avoid anti selection .  The scale  of benefit usually uniforms  and there is not choice for the individual  . Some times the groups are categories  as managerial, supervisory, clerical and subordinate and accordingly  different benefits are given  to different categories.  The insurer always has a right to call for the medical examination  if the sum assured exists the free cover limit for a particular  life warrants a medical test. 

EXPERIENCE RATING: Life cover is normally granted for one year under group schemes and it  renewed every year providing  fresh data. This gives oppertunity  for the underwriting to  revise the premium on the  basis of the composition of the group as well as based on the claim experience of earlier year. This kind of rating on the best basis of claim experience is called experience rating.  This can be profit sharing ,  I ,e  returning or adjusting a part of the earlier year’s  premium for the next year if the claim experience is favorable or revision of the premium upward of the scheme is making  losses due to the  more claims.  Thus, experience ratings is a vital means of adding flexibility to group underwriting.
