Group Insurance plans are meant to provide life insurance protection to group of people. The group may be: (I) Employer- employee group; (II) Labour union group; (III) Creditor- Debtor group; (IV) Voluntary group like that of teachers, doctors or lawyers.  A master policy is issued under a contract between the employer and the insurer and the policy includes the names of the workers and the insured sum of each worker determined on the following basis: (A) Salary of the employee; (B) Job classification; © Length of the service. Without medical examination, employees between the ages of 18 and 60 are covered under this policy which can be contributory or non-contributory. If it is contributory, both the employer and employees pay the premium.

The LIC of India provides the following schemes: (I) Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme- It is, in fact, a group term insurance where under contribution is deducted out of the salary of the member. A portion of the contribution is utilised as premium to cover term assurance for a fixed sum and the balance treated as savings which are accumulated at an attractive rate. At present this rate is 8% p.a. Members exit the scheme on retirement or earlier, death or resignation. Eligibility: Selected Employer-employee groups such as public sector corporations and corporates of repute who generally keep a very methodical reports of their employees. Benefits- (A) on  death while in service. (I) Amount of insurance cover. (II) Accumulated savings up to the date of death. (B) On retirement/resignation: (I) Accumulated savings up to the date of exit. Tax Aspects- (II) Group superannuation scheme: It is designed to provide pension to employees on their retirement from services.

 The scheme may be financed by the employer alone or jointly with the employees. A decreasing group insurance cover in conjunction with super annuation benefits may also e provided under the scheme. The scheme is of two types: (a) Money Purchase Scheme- The contributions are fixed generally as a percentage of the salary. The accumulated value of such contribution is utilised to purchase the pension (b) Benefit Purchase Scheme- The amount of pension is fixed by the employer in advance generally in relation to the salary drawn by the employee at the time of exit.. (e) Joint Life pension payable to the last survivor of the employer and spouse, with return or capital of death of last survivor. Contributions and who pays: The maximum annual contribution that an employee can make to the pension fund the provident fund is restricted by the Income-tax-provisions to 27% of the annual salary (Basic plus D.A). The annual contributions are treated as deductible business expenses.

 Mostly the employer contributes, but if so desired, both the employer and the employees may contribute, in which case the scheme is called contributory pension Fund scheme. Benefits on Retirement: On retirement of a member, the corpus (contribution plus interest) is utilised to provide the following: (a) Commuted value (equipment to 1/3 rd of the corpus) which is tax free. (b) The corpus that remains after providing for the commuted value is taken as the purchase price to provide for pension as per option set above. Tax Benefits- (a) The annual contribution is treated as a deductible business expense in terms of sec. 36 (I) (IV) of the Income Tax Act. (b) The employees contribution, in the case of contributory scheme qualifies for deduction u/s 80c of the Income Tax Act. (III) Group Gratuity Scheme: Under the payment of Gratuity Act 1972, it is employer’s statutory liability to pay 15 days salary (15/26 of a month wages) for every completed year of service to each of his employees on their exit, for any reason after five years of continuous service. In order to provide funds for Gratuity, the LIC of India has introduced Group Gratuity scheme to the employer. A unique feature of the scheme is to provide, in the event of premature unfortunate death of employee, a sum equal to the gratuity, which he would have received on his normal retirement. Legal and Taxation Angle- Approved Gratuity funds are governed by part C of the Fourth Schedule to Income Tax Act 1961 and part XIV of income tax Rules 1962. (a) Employer’s annual contribution shall not exceed 8 1/3% salary (Rule 103). (b) Employer’s contribution is allowed as business expenses {Section 36 (I) (V)}. © Employer’s contribution is not treated as perquisite in the hands of employees (Rule 3c of part C, Schedule IV). (d) Gratuity upto Rs. 3.5 lakh is tax free {Sec. 10(10)}. How the scheme operates- (a) Contributions (premiums) received from employer by the insurer are invested as per special guidelines laid for such funds. (b) The gratuity is paid out of this accumulated fund. © Death cover benefit is paid out of a separate term assurance fund maintained by the insurer. (IV) Group Scheme for Weaker Sections of the Society-

The Govt. of India has provided insurance to the weaker section of the society to the tune of Rs. 5000. Other people may get benefit of this scheme provided they pay @ Rs. 75 per annum to the LIC. Half of the premium will be met by the State Govt. and Central Govt. as provided in the budget 1995-96. The amount of insurance has increased to Rs. 10000 w.e.f. 15-8-96. It has been extended to all sections of people who unable to purchase policies on their lives.