: Since the minors less then age of the 18 are not competent to contract normally their parents guardians come forward  to insure their lives. Normally deferred assurance plans are only given to the children so that the risk on their  lives commences afer the age 18 and in some cases  after age of 12. Mostly all these plans come under medical unless the deferment period os more than 10 years.  We may have to take a few precautions like satisfactory personal history of health and also the hereditary reports. All other members  of the family should have been covered especially the father and the mother educated and earning. The socioeconomic  status of the family has to be satisfactory.

 The pressure on children due to their school performances is again  a risk factor to be considered especially now a  days when there is the tendency  to commit suicide among the nonperforming school child. An underweight  child is an additional risk, whereas  a slightly obese child is a welcome up to the certain age. For insurance on minor  children up to age of 25  on the  basis  of parent’s  income a few restrictions were imposed . Normally it should be insured that all the members of the family are adequately insured. The insurer may considered a risk plan on the lives of major children pursing professional  studies or higher education in any of the faculty where the loan is sanctioned by a bank or any  reputed financial institution without insisting upon the insurance on the life of both the on the life of the proposer father or mother. This is a  given because insurance  is considered as collateral  security against the loan and certified copies of loan papers and copies of evidence as to the higher studies are submitted.

OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: The sum assured age capacity to pay physical  impairments etc, are some of the other factor in assessing the  risks. Some of these issues may point out the  certain moral hazards factors like suicidal tendencies. etc.,  There may be  a necessity for special medical reports like the x-ray ECG, Tele,  Treadmil, Serum cholesterol, ELISA  tests  for HIV etc., warranted by the physical conditions  of the proponent a brief descriptions of some of the above reports is given below: 1. ECG– electrocardiogram with report. 2. Treadmil   exercise – ECG tracing with report,  3. Tele– Teleroentgenogram full size plate, picture to be taken in deep  inspiration with report.  4. CBC report on complete blood count.  5. ESR report on erythrocyte  sedimentation rate. 6. FBS Blood sugar test report at fasting.  7. PGCS-- blood sugar test report 2 hours after administrations  of glucose. 8. SMA– 8 report– this contains the following pathological tests. 1. fasting blood sugar,  2. cerum creatinine, 3. serum.  4. serum bilirubin--direct and indirect.  5. SGOT.  6. SGPT.  7. serum calcium.  8. serum potassium.  9.  Serum alkaline phosphates.  10. SMA  27– contains  27 pathological tests.  11. Serum cholesterol report.  SUMMARY. 

  Life insurance  underwriting involves  a lot of the  issues while assessing the risk like the age, physical fitness., family history, capacity, to pay etc.,  The underwriting can be done  under two heads,  medical and non medical . The specific group which we under write are also assessed life female proponents, children who are minors and majors, large sum assured, etc., necessary precautions  are to be taken for  each group