The concept  of double insurance differs from the concept of reinsurance the following respects:.  (a) MEANING:  The reinsurance business is entered into by the original insurer  with the order insurers.  But in double insurance, but the insured gets the same subject  matter insured  with more than one insurer or under more than one policy  with the same insurer.  (b).: FILLING  CLAIM:  In reinsurance , the insured cannot be claim any part of the his loss from the insurer.  But in the double insurance the  insured can claims only his  actual loss from  each of the insurers  up to the amount insured with them.  ( C) . CONTRIBUTION:  In reinsurance , the reinsured will claim a part of the loss proportionate to the risk reinsured by the him with the reinsurers  . But in double insurance,  each  insurer is liable to contributions  on pro-rata basis towards the loss suffered by the insured.  (13).  UNDER INSURANCE:  When an insurance is taken by the for less than the actual value of the subject  matter under one or more policies  it amounts  to under insurance. This practice is deliberately  followed to avoid  the payments  of fair premium. By inserting an average clauses in the policy the under insurance is a penalized  in such a way that the actual  loss is payable in proportion to the policy value of the subject matter:  The claim payable under average clauses is calculated as given below:  

(14).  ASSURANCE AND INSURANCE:  Both the these two terms are used synonymously in the context while the term insurance is a used in other types if insurance  like fire or marine.  Assurance refers to a contract in which  the sum assured is bound to be payable  sooner of later. But a contract of insurance is a contract  for compensation  of damage or loss and the question of claim does not arise in the cases there is no loss. Thus the term insurance is used when the risk is undertaken  and I  such cases the policy  does not become a claim. But in case of  assurance, the policy is bound to become a claim in the stipulated  manner e. g.  the insured may die in the course of the term of the policy or else  he is bound to attain a particular age. In common usage, the terms are very widely used to mean one and the same thing.

  DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INSURANCE AND WAGERING AGREEMENTS=Insurance contracts are not wagering  or gambling  contracts, such as a betting on the turn  of a  card or on horse  racing etc., In a wagering  contract, both parties, create a risk and want to make money the happening  or otherwise of an event, while in the case of insurance, risk already exists and the purpose of contract is only the transfer  the risk, . Though  there is a  uncertainty and payments  is made on the happening  of the event in both the cases. , really is it not so. the following are the differences between these two contracts.  (1). PURPOSE:  The object of insurance is to protect the insured against loses on the happening  of some uncertain future events. the object  of a wager is a to make profit by winning.  (2). RISK:. Insurance is meant  for protection , if the risk, which is already  there, materializes, . But the risk is oriented in wagering  contracts.

INSURABLE INTEREST:  The existence  of insurable interest is necessary  in a contract of insurance as against a  wagering contract, where neither party has any pecuniary  interest a except  that a created by the contract itself.  (4).  UTMOST GAITH FAITH:  In an insurance contract the observance of good faith is a essential but good faith need not be observed in  a wagering  contract.  (5). CONSIDERATION:  There is a no consideration  in a wagering contract whereas in case of insurance, the presents of consideration is a must.  (6).  PUBLIC INTEREST: insurance contract are in a public interest and are a encouraged by the government  but wagering contract  are against public interest.  (7)ENFORCEABLE:  insurance contract  are valid and legally  enforceable  but wagering  agreements are void and are a not legally enforceable.   (8).  HAPPENING OF EVENT: An event (except death), against the risk of which the insurance is taken by the may or may not take place at all. The wagering  event is bound to happen.  (9). INDEMNITY : The principles of indemnity  applied  to all insurance contract except  those of the personal insurance. No such principle applies to a  wagering contract.  (10).  AMOUNT:  The wagering amount is paid immediately  on the occurrence of the event . Only if there is a loss owing a to the occurrence of the event the money  will be paid subject to a maximum  limit specified in insurance contract.